Factors that determine the value of an Orthodontic treatment


1-Academic training of your doctor. This is something that should always be consulted beforehand. Where the titles were obtained and if there are recognitions or factors that differentiate it.

2-Clinical Experience. Although all professionals always start from the most basic, the clinical trajectory is something that generates confidence, ultimately it is your mouth and your health that is at stake.

3-Treatment Plan Guide. The fact that a single professional guides your treatment from start to finish guarantees its success.

4-Quality of the Materials used. Brackets of all qualities exist on the market, if you had to have heart surgery, what type of materials would you choose?

5-Infrastructure, Location, Logistics. These are factors that make your experience in our facilities safe, comfortable and pleasant. Brushing your teeth without the wires is something you will love!!

6-Service and Punctuality. Your time is worth gold, nothing better than NOT having to wait hours for your attention and being attended to in the most special and attentive way by all of us.[:]


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